Hello, I'm Barbara, creator of BarbiBlue.

I always liked working with my hands. At school my favorite subject was art, everything else seemed boring to me.

I'm not going to go into details about what came next so as not to bore you now, I'll just add a brief summary of what it was.

At one point in my life I suffered an accident and lost total vision. Luckily, I was resurrected and almost completely recovered my vision after 21 days.

This is where the fun part begins. My vision of life changed!

I discovered the School of Art and Design in Tarragona, my hometown, and trained as an artistic jewelry designer.

After finishing my studies, I continued training, to expand my knowledge, in different schools such as: La Industrial y Escuela Arsenal in Barcelona, ​​or Fabrica 12 in Valencia, among others. In them I learned specialized techniques such as: Kumboo and Mokume Gane with Carles Codina, modeling, volume and chiseling with Jordi Aparicio, bioplastic materials with Lumy Nouguez or emotional expression through material with Tanel Veenre.

For the last ten years I have worked, from my studio-workshop in Tarragona, designing and creating my own jewelry collections. In addition, I have been able to share my knowledge by giving workshops to both children's and adult groups.

Today I have created Barbi Blue, my new jewelry and vitamin object brand, a space where I want to share with you both my work and teachings so that you can create your own designs.

Curious about the name? Barbi is short for Bárbara + Blue Klein blue, which is the color I identify with, an intense, vibrant blue full of energy.

Thanks for stopping by and welcome!
